Skyward Employee Access

Skyward Access Links
Employee Access is different than the Skyward you use as a Faculty member using Student Records/Gradebook-Grading and/or the Skyward you use as a parent. 
Employee Access (using the Business Access link) allows you to view days off, payroll information & employee reimbursements.
To Log in to the Employee Access for employees with an existing Login ID and Password, click here. Enter your Login ID and Password. Be sure to select Employee Access from the Login Area: All Areas drop-down menu if not already shown.
To access the new Employee Access for employees who have forgotten their Login ID/Password:
  1. The first step is to go to this link, enter your district-provided e-mail or you User Name and click Submit.

  2. In about one minute, check your district e-mail account.  You will have a message about Forgotten Login/Password Assistance.  Click the link in the e-mail. The new window will ask you to create a new password to use with this service.

  3. To access Employee Access use the link below. Make sure to select Employee Access from the drop-down menu on the site before signing in.