Respect, Integrity, Service, and Education



We will respect the rights of all people through sensitivity and understanding. We believe all persons were created equal and entitled to be treated fairly and with human dignity, without favoritism or prejudice. We will strive to protect the rights of our employees, and the community that we serve, and be mindful of their individual needs and feelings.


We will perform our duties in an honest and ethical manner always conscious of our responsibility to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in a fair and consistent manner. We will hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of professional and moral conduct to present a positive role model for our students.


We are dedicated to providing quality professional service to the public and the Altoona Area School District. In accepting this responsibility, we will strive to protect life and property and provide a safe learning and working environment for the students, faculty, and staff.


We accept the challenge of developing our students into positive law abiding citizens. We encourage the pursuit of higher education by our employees to enhance themselves, the Altoona Area School District Police, and the law enforcement profession. We will strive to identify Students' needs and problems and attempt to divert these students from the Criminal Justice System through effective counseling and Education.