The School-Based Access program is a system that can be used by school districts, intermediate units, state-owned schools, and Mutually Agreed Upon Written Agreement (MAWA) Early Intervention Programs to obtain funding for health-related services for special education students.
The School-Based Access Program is a method of gaining medical assistance (MA) reimbursements for the cost of the related services currently being provided to MA-eligible students. Examples of services that are billable are speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychological services, etc. Local Education Entities must enroll as medical assistance providers to be eligible. They submit invoices to MA for the services they are providing to the eligible students. The funds received from MA are maintained in an account managed by PDE and must be used to enhance or expand special education programs. All requests for the funds must be approved by the Bureau of Special Education.
In Pennsylvania, Leader Services offers SBAP-Align to facilitate Medicaid reimbursement for school-based health services provided to eligible students by Pennsylvania LEAs. |
PA Medical Assistance Billing Parental ANNUAL Notice - 2013
PA Medical Assistance Billing Parental INITIAL Notice - 2013
PA Medical Assistance Billing Parental Consent - 2013
In Pennsylvania, Leader Services offers SBAP-Align to facilitate Medicaid reimbursement for school-based health services provided to eligible students by Pennsylvania LEAs. |