Need Help? See Something...Say Something

Need Help? Call 911

See Something...Say Something

We need your help to ensure a safe environment for our students by reporting any concern that may jeopardize the safety and welfare of our students, staff, and schools. Reports can made using the following contacts:


AASD Police Services:


Altoona Police Department


Safe2Say Something


National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Call: 988
Text: 988

UPMC Altoona Crisis Center:


Any immediate threat should be reported directly to the Blair County 911 Center

Mental Health and Wellness

Crisis Text Line

Visit the website at 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline

Call 988
Text 988
Visit the website at

UPMC Altoona Crisis Center


UPMC Altoona Behavioral Health


Blair Drug and Alcohol Partnership

Visit the website at

United Way 2-1-1